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Stock Management System in PHP with Source code

Stock Management System In PHP With Source Code

in this php project demo you will see what you can do with this Stock Management System with Point of Sale project build with PHP and jQuery programming Language and MySQL Database.

this Responsive Web Based Application allow you to mange proucts, sales, Users, Reports and more.

- Apache server.
- PHP programming Language.
- jQuery programming Language.
- MySQL Database.

- CodeIgniter.

Watch This Full Demo

1 - Login Page

this form allow users and admin to login into the backend and manage the application

if you forgot your password you can reset it by entering your email address and click "Submit" button.

if you enter the correct data, you will be redirected to the Dashboard page.

2 - Dashboard Page

the dashboard page contains two navigation system 
1 - sideBar

2 - top bar

this bar contains quick links our some utilities

select language.

check Notifications

a Calculator

Style: Changing The SideBar Style To BLACK, BLUE, GREY

you can change the password, logout, our edit your profile.

Change Password

Edit Profile

Now, in the dashboard page you will see an overview chart for Sales, Tax, Purchases.

When You Hover With The Mouse You Can See More Specific Data.

Quick Links To Different Sections

Best Seller Charts For The Last Two Months 

3 - Product Page

in this section you can manage product 

you can see all the products list and search for a specific product or display products by warehouse

Choose a Warehouse

The Products List Give You a Quick Way To Duplicate, Edit, Delete View Product and More

View Selected Product Detail, Chart, Sales, Purchases and More By Selecting The Tab You Want.

You Can Delete The Product You Want With Ease

Add a New Product

You Can Import a List of Products Using a CVS File.

Print Barcode/Label

Add Adjustement

4 - Sales Page

Here You Can Manage The Sales, Add Sale, Delevries, and List Gift Cards.


5 - Quotation Page

Here You Have To Options 

1 - View Quotation List.
2 - Add a Quotation.

6 - Purchase Page

This Section is Like The Other, Manage Purchases, Add Purchase, Purchses List, View Selected Purchase Details, List Expenses, Add Expense

Purchases List
Purchase Details

Add Purchase - 1/2
Add Purchase - 1/2

Add Expense

7 - Transfers and Returns Pages

In This Two Sections You Can List and Add Transers/Returns

8 - People Section

this section allow you to manage all type of people, Users, Customers, Billers, Suppliers
when you click on add Customers, Billers or Suppliers a popup will show up so you can enter the informations.

9 - Notifications Page

in this page you can view the list of Notifications you have,Add a new one or edit/delete the selected one.

You Can Add a New Notification By Clicking The '+' at the top

You Can Edit The Selected Notification By Clicking The Pen In The List, a popup will show up allowing you to edit it.

and to delete it just click the corbeille icons to do that.

10 - Calendar Page

this page show you the calendar by Month

by Week

by Day

not only that but you can add events to you're Calendar

11 - Settings Page

ok, this part contains a lot, i mean a LOT of stuff

if you want to edit/delete the Currencies

add printers - list printers - units - brands - email templates


12 - Reports Page

here you can find charts and state of your sales, Tax Report, Product Report, Expense, Suppliers, Customers, Staff, More More, More .........

13 - The Store Front

now we will see what the store front look like

The Products List

The Shopping Cart.

you can see in the right side the Cart Totals.

Checkout For Returning User

Checkout For Guest User

if you want the source code click on the download button below

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PHP Stock Management System Source Code


Stock Management System in PHP

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