In This VB.NET Tutorial we will See How To Build A Tic-Tac-Toe Game With Replay And Get The Winner And Change Winning Boxes Color Using Visual Basic.Net And Visual Studio Editor .
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Project Source Code:
Public Class VB_TIC_TAC_TOE
Private Sub VB_TIC_TAC_TOE_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' add event to all buttons inside the panel2
For Each c As Control In Panel2.Controls
If c.GetType() = GetType(Button) Then
AddHandler c.Click, AddressOf btn_Click
End If
End Sub
Dim XorO As Integer = 0
' create button event
Private Sub btn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim btn As Button = sender
' we will clear buttons text later
If btn.Text.Equals("") Then
If XorO Mod 2 = 0 Then
btn.Text = "X"
btn.ForeColor = Color.Red
Label1.Text = "[O] Turn"
btn.Text = "O"
btn.ForeColor = Color.Blue
Label1.Text = "[X] Turn"
End If
XorO += 1
End If
End Sub
Dim win As Boolean = False
' create a function to get the winner
Private Sub getTheWinner()
If Not Button1.Text.Equals("") AndAlso Button1.Text.Equals(Button2.Text) AndAlso Button1.Text.Equals(Button3.Text) Then
win = True
winEffect(Button1, Button2, Button3)
End If
If Not Button4.Text.Equals("") AndAlso Button4.Text.Equals(Button5.Text) AndAlso Button4.Text.Equals(Button6.Text) Then
win = True
winEffect(Button4, Button5, Button6)
End If
If Not Button7.Text.Equals("") AndAlso Button7.Text.Equals(Button8.Text) AndAlso Button7.Text.Equals(Button9.Text) Then
win = True
winEffect(Button7, Button8, Button9)
End If
If Not Button1.Text.Equals("") AndAlso Button1.Text.Equals(Button4.Text) AndAlso Button1.Text.Equals(Button7.Text) Then
win = True
winEffect(Button1, Button4, Button7)
End If
If Not Button2.Text.Equals("") AndAlso Button2.Text.Equals(Button5.Text) AndAlso Button2.Text.Equals(Button8.Text) Then
win = True
winEffect(Button2, Button5, Button8)
End If
If Not Button3.Text.Equals("") AndAlso Button3.Text.Equals(Button6.Text) AndAlso Button3.Text.Equals(Button9.Text) Then
win = True
winEffect(Button3, Button6, Button9)
End If
If Not Button1.Text.Equals("") AndAlso Button1.Text.Equals(Button5.Text) AndAlso Button1.Text.Equals(Button9.Text) Then
win = True
winEffect(Button1, Button5, Button9)
End If
If Not Button3.Text.Equals("") AndAlso Button3.Text.Equals(Button5.Text) AndAlso Button3.Text.Equals(Button7.Text) Then
win = True
winEffect(Button3, Button5, Button7)
End If
' if no one win later
' 9 buttons with X or O mean 9 char = no button is empty
If allbuttonsTextLength() = 9 AndAlso win = False Then
Label1.Text = "NO Winner"
End If
End Sub
' get all buttons text length
Function allbuttonsTextLength() As Integer
Dim btnsTxtLength As Integer = 0
For Each c As Control In Panel2.Controls
If c.GetType() = GetType(Button) Then
btnsTxtLength += c.Text.Length
End If
Return btnsTxtLength
End Function
' win effect function to change buttons
' background color + foreColor when one player win
Private Sub winEffect(ByVal b1 As Button, ByVal b2 As Button, ByVal b3 As Button)
b1.BackColor = Color.Red
b2.BackColor = Color.Red
b3.BackColor = Color.Red
b1.ForeColor = Color.White
b2.ForeColor = Color.White
b3.ForeColor = Color.White
Label1.Text = b1.Text + " Win"
End Sub
' new partie button
Private Sub ButtonNewPartie_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonNewPartie.Click
XorO = 0
win = False
Label1.Text = "Play"
For Each c As Control In Panel2.Controls
If c.GetType() = GetType(Button) Then
c.BackColor = Color.White
c.Text = ""
End If
End Sub
End Class
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